Christmas Storyhour -- Transportation

Book: Santa's New Jet by David Biedrzycki is written in the first person, so I put on a nice big red blouse, belted it up with a wide black belt, put on my Santa hat & read using my funny deep Santa voice. 
Song: Reindeer Pokey. We put our hooves, antlers & tails in!
Book:  Toot Toot Beep Beep by Emma Garcia.  We were a very young and surpisingly male group, so this was a welcome entry. This is a particularly great readaloud by Emma Garcia -- bright, colorful pictures of jeeps, sports cars, vans, etc., each making their own noise -- love making car noises! -- and each zooming, gliding, rush, etc.  
Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, in honor of the cars going to sleep at the end of Toot Toot
          Five Little Gingie Men.  First we counted to five, then I brought out my big happy looking Gingerbread Men with their big numbers on them, and I was very happy to discover that Oliver knows all his numbers by sight! Great work, Oliver!
Book:  Harvey Slumbenburger's Christmas Present by John Burningham. While it may be true that the average three year old lacks the empathy to real feel for poor Santa having to go out into the night to deliver one last present, I still read this book every year.  I shorten it a bit as I read.  Next year: Point out that there are a lot of 'whoopsies' in this book and ask for audience participation when you come to one -- which is every other page as Santa is dumped in the snow, hits a tree, etc.  
Song: After all that traveling, we had to sing Motor Boat!
Book:  Hello Airplane by Bill Cotter.  Verrry simple book about going on a plane raid. So simple it reads like a poem. A reassuring poem.

Special Guest Appearance!
We were lucky enough to have Wendy come from Montessori-by-the-Sea. She brought some sensorial materials, the cylinder blocks, and all the kids loved working with them.

The children did a great job.

Oliver and Ari are sorting pom-poms -- using clothespins? Is that Montessori?

Olivia is busy pouring. Montessori believed that all children possess "absorbent minds". Children want to learn those skills that will let them master their environment. None of us told Olivia to pour those beans, but she's obviously intent on learning how to do it.

Montessori by the Sea is located at 1603 Gulf Way on Pass-A-Grille Beach, and anyone is invited to stop by and observe at any time. Open houses are scheduled for January 10, 19, 27 and February 1 at 9:00. 
Materials: a green circle, cut in thirds or halves, glitter glue (love the dollar store) and some SEQUINS.
Much as I love glitter glue, this craft might work better with glue sticks.  Although all the moms were diligent in repeating, "Just use a dot! Just use a dot!" a dot just never seems like the right amount when you are three.  Better to err on the side of generosity. Consequently, a number of trees went home with their sequins slowing dripping to the bottom of the tree.  Which was not a tragedy.


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