
Showing posts from August, 2016

Pre-K Robot Storytime, Friday, August 12 @ 10:30

THAT DOES NOT COMPUTE There are two great reasons for doing a robot storytime. One is doing the robot voice, and the other is those great robot crafts. Seriously, we teach children how to baaa like a sheep -- the robot voice is much more fun.  Robots, like Fancy Nancy, are known for their large vocabularies. Story? It's a book-with-many-pictures . Song? Musical-interlude . Kids? Small-humans . Parents? Large-humans. Dance? Wiggling-of-the-body. B o o k s :   Boy and Bot  by Ame Dyckman.  What's the difference between a boy and his robot? This funny book is juuuust enough of an adventure to grab attention. R is for Robot: A Noisy Alphabet by Adam F. Watkins.  Great intro. A is for AHOOGAH, Z is for ZAP! Great for teaching sounds. I was going to use just a few letters from this alphabet book, going by children's names. But I had a surprisingly big crowd and I couldn't have done everyone.  So next time, plan on doing a short word, like Greetings.   Rolie Polie Olie by Wi