
Showing posts from January, 2012

Play Storyhour

Props: Toys!!! I brought balls, clown noses, musical instruments, teddy bears, and a jack in the box. The jack in the box was a particular hit.  Book:   Knuffle Bunny Too by the great Mo Willems. In this exciting Knuffle Bunny episode, a terrible switch is made in pre-K by accident and Knuffle Bunny's owner comes home with the wrong rabbit! Even worse, she doesn't discover this tragedy until 2:30 am, and her parents -- and the other set of parents -- have to act fast to set things to write.  Book:   Clap Your Hands by Lorinda Bryan Cauley.  This wonderful book kind of is this storyhour.  I propped the Big Book up on a chair and we clapped our hands and stomped our feet happily. Song: Five Little Monkeys misbehaving on the bed. Book: Jonathan and the Big Blue Boat. Even though I love the opening joke of the story, "One afternoon Jonathan's parents announced, "You're getting too old for a stuffed animal. So we traded your bear for a toaster," the book

Zoo Animals

It's new! It's funny! It's got songs!  Zoozical is the whole storytime all in one package. It's got a plot -- the snow is getting all the animals down, so they put on a show -- it's got music, like great songs, "Oh my darling, Oh my darling, Oh my darling porcupine!" and even an ABC songfest finale.  Oh, and it's by Judy Sierra. One Night at the Zoo by Judith Kerr Still a Gorilla by Kim Norman Bouncing Time by Patricia Hubbell The Seals on the Bus is perfect to take us for our trip to the zoo. Off we go, honking like geese and clapping like seals, and the moms really love the humor. How many of the kids in your audience have ever been to the zoo? What did they see? What did they smell? Who did they feed? This is a great one for audience participation. A Sick Day for Amos Mcgee (Caldecott Winner) This book needs a bit of dramatization to really bring it off. Start with getting into character! Since most of us are bouncy petunias, metamorphose into old