
Showing posts from October, 2011

Sounds Storyhour and Movement Storyhour, Halloween

S inging and dancing is always fun at storyhour but we got an extra dose today. Story:   Do Monkeys Tweet?  by Melanie Walsh. No! This silly book gets it wrong until the very end, and I loved the way the smarties at storyhour knew all the right answers. Do butterflies growl? (turn page) No, tigers do!  A wonderful interaction story. Song: Wheels on the Bus . Props: I opened up the pop-up castle book and put a see through piece of cheesecloth over my head and became a ghost, "Oooh. There could be a ghost in that castle. I held up a black bat and we did, "EEEEKKK." There could be bats in the tower of the castle. I held up a skeleton. He could live in the castle. Clacketey clack. Clacketey clack.  Song: Wheels on the Bus but with scary riders. The ghost on the bus goes "Oooooo-ooooo," etc. Story: Peek-a-Boo by Marie Cimarusti.   Story: Shake dem Halloween Bones by W. Nikola-Lisa. I started reading it, and then passed out the percussion instruments.  The kids join